Anne Fitzgerald – RBM Burning Action Working Group

What climate action are you taking that you are proud of?

I have decided that 2021 is my very own International Year of the Outcome. So everyday I work on Climate Action – either recovery or prevention or both. This week’s activities so far include working on a micro-action supporting Extinction Rebellion Blue Mountains’ greenwashing gas action by setting up this webpage The campaign I set up changes to support actions every month or two. Yesterday and tomorrow I will spend time helping wildlife recovery pouch making by Blue ARC and today I did some guerrilla weeding with friends (cutting off the seed heads) where the native plants are fighting to recover from the devastating fires at Narrow Neck. And then I helped a community movement trying to replace Angus Taylor MP with a climate truth candidate.

What do you know you need to do better?

Grow pathways for more local people to join in the daily fight for Planet A in my local community.

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